Have you seen the family on Instagram that has six boys? You read that right. SIX. They are pregnant with their 7th child and the other day they posted their gender reveal. It's a GIRL. Can you imagine? After six boys you get a girl. The shock was palpable through the video. I can't imagine how that would feel. The Berry Family doesn't know totally what that is like either, but they did have two girls and have now been blessed with a little boy.
Logan and Quinn are the proud older sisters of their new little brother Bennett. Logan is six years old and a social butterfly. She was meant to be an older sister because she takes care of her sister, and now brother, in the only way a big sister can! She's a big helper with a big heart and a need to be involved in all the happenings. Quinn is the new middle child in the family. She is the complete opposite of her big sister despite being cut from the same cloth (it's so funny how that happens!). Quinn is stubborn but fun and has the heart of a second born child. She is a proud preschool participant which has helped her come out of her shy shell a little bit. She is settling in nicely to being a big sister and her parents can't wait to see her grow more.
Speaking of Mom and Dad, they are so happy to have baby Bennett join their family! In the midst of a very crazy and stressful year for them, baby Bennett has been a huge joy and light. Cody and KeiLee have been married for almost 7 years. They were put in contact by mutual friends who thought they could lean on each other while they were enduring similar life experiences. Cody is a salesman and KeiLee gets to stay home with their 3 kids. They both have very laid back personalities and love a weekend when they can hang out without any plans. That has been harder for them since they chose to sell their house, build a new one, and have another baby all in the same year. Needless to say life has been pretty crazy for them recently.
Despite the craziness of life, KeiLee said that they are clinging on to the motto that this is all worth it. The house, the family, the chaos. It's all worth it for them. Things will be drastically different in a year and even six months from now when their house is finished, Bennett is a little older, and life slows down. The stress and chaos won't last forever, but the memories will. Their photos hold some of those precious, fleeting moments that will be forever memories.
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