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Writer's pictureJanalee

McFarland Family Session - Logan, Utah Photographer

Melissa and John were referred to me by my friends and their neighbors, Josh and Sydney. It wasn't until we were in the middle of our photoshoot that we realized Melissa and John's youngest son, Peter, went to preschool with my son. The McFarland family is so fun on their own, but our little connection made our photoshoot a little more fun! Together we shared a lot of laughs and has quite the party.

The McFarland Family is full of talent. Each of their children is so amazing in their own way and they are bursting at the seam with talent and skill. Katie, the oldest, is on her way to college this fall. She is full of brilliance and is entering the surgical technician program.

Isaac, the second oldest, is easy going and has an amazing sense of humor. He is involved with the drama department and show choir at his high school. He's also the best older brother and friend to his youngest brother, Peter. It's not often you find a 16 year old that's willing to let his 5 year old brother hang out with him and his friends, but Isaac is always willing to have Peter around!

Andrew is the McFarland middle child. He is an athlete and musician. He has a black belt in tawkwondo and has started learning Jiu Jitsu. He's an incredible athlete, but is also a master pianist too. He can take a piece of sheet music that is challenging and he can memorize it and play it flawlessly.

Lizzie is 11 years old and is in a Mandarin immersive school. Aside from speaking another language, Lizzie is also a style guru, a social butterfly, an ice skater, and a pianist. She is skilled in so many aspects of her life and is completely impressive for her age!

Peter is the caboose of the McFarland Family. He is his dad's shadow and is a typical busy boy. He loves to run around his family's neighborhood playing with anyone that's around. He is fearless and fun loving and loves the outdoors.

These 5 amazing children are the product of their incredible parents. Melissa and John have been married for 20 years. John is a financial advisor and Melissa is a mom and basically everything else (chef, chauffeur, friend, etc.). After getting married, they started their family quickly and ever since then their lives have been about the encouraging their children and giving them opportunities to learn and grow (they've done and are still doing an amazing job in my opinion). They are raising children that will do wonderful things in this world and I can't wait to see where each one ends up!

Janalee Berentzen Photography - Logan Utah Photographer - Newborn Photography - Family Photography - Maternity Photography - Portrait Photography


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