When it comes to newborn babies, I have seen all different features. One that often gets talked about it hair. I've seen dark hair, no hair, and peach fuzz, but I'm not sure I have ever seen a baby with more bright white hair as baby Bryson. But his beautiful white hair and light complection work completely in his favor.
Bryson's beautifully light complection matches the rest of his family and was actually expected by his parents, Andrew and Amanda. Their 2 year old daughter, Remi has the same fair skin as her little brother. And she has the prettiest blue eyes to compliment her complexion perfectly. Remy is a fairly shy toddler, but she did warm up to me and gave me some darling smiles before our session was over. She recently caught on to saying cheese and that was so much fun for me! Her sweet little voice and big smile melted my heart.
Andrew and Amanda met in 2018 on a BLIND DATE! I always thinks it's so fun to find successful blind date stories. Amanda told me on the pre-session questionnaire that she still can't believe she said yes to a blind date and now they are having their second baby! But after meeting the Crapos it was very apparent to me that they were meant for each other. Andrew is a Special Education Teacher at the high school level and he has the best personality for his profession. Amanda, a teller supervisor at America First, is lucky enough to have a job that is flexible enough to accommodate her life as a mother. Both Andrew and Amanda are very laid back and love to be home with family.
One thing that impressed me so much about the Crapos is that they are very present parents. It's obvious that they don't want to miss out on a single thing with each other and their children and they want to be able to remember all the stages with their kinds. They are a true "live in the moment" family!
Janalee Berentzen Photography - Logan Utah Photographer - Newborn Photography - Family Photography - Maternity Photography - Portrait Photography