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  • Writer's pictureJanalee

Eli Osborne Newborn Session - Logan, Utah Photographer

Did you know that almost all babies come into the world with their days and nights mixed up? It's true! This happens because when a baby is in the womb, the movement of their mom during the day puts them to sleep and the stillness at night wakes them up. Because of this, baby comes into the world thinking day is night and night is day. Which typically means very little sleep for mom and dad! When I talked to Natalie before our newborn session together, she told me one of her newborns favorite hobbies was keeping her and her husband, Dan, up at night. Ha! It gave me a really good laugh.

The newborn with terrible nighttime sleep habits is little Eli. His mom says he is a great sleeper during the day and I can attest to that. He was a few weeks old at our session and he slept a lot! He looked darling and I couldn't get enough of his tiny hands and feet and button nose. I was completely smitten by his sleepy newborn smiles and adored every moment in my studio with him!

Eli is Natalie and Dan's first baby. Before he was born, Natalie worked for Cache County School District as a Speech and Language Pathologist. This last spring was her last school year for the foreseeable future. She is taking time to stay home with little Eli and raise him! Dan is a software developer for Journal Technologies. Before I ever met Natalie and Dan in person I was struck by Natalie's admiration of her husband. She couldn't say enough good things about him and kept assuring me that he was really, really awesome. She was right! They were both awesome and have stepped into parenthood seamlessly. They are both laid back and easily go with the flow which is why I think this new season of unpredictability and constant changes will suit them very well!

Janalee Berentzen Photography - Logan Utah Photographer - Newborn Photography - Family Photography - Maternity Photography - Portrait Photography


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