In April I was lucky enough to go to the hospital to photograph Jemma for her Fresh 48 session. This time I was able to photograph Jemma's newborn session in my at-home studio. Her dad and big brother were able to come for this session and we were able to get a lot of really amazing photos of the new family of four. It was a bonus that we had a lot of fun together!
Teanna, mom, and Brendon, dad, have been married for five years. They are a blind date success story! They met going long boarding which is something they both love to do. Both Teanna and Brendon are laid back and they made both of my sessions with their family incredibly easy. Teanna gave birth to their oldest, Oliver, in 2019. He just barely turned two and he is full of fun and happiness. He was such a sweet little guy who found his dad hilarious and clearly adored his new little sister. He was SO agreeable and said "YES" so sweetly to everything I asked him!
Jemma is one lucky little girl. She has the best older brother and her parents couldn't love her more. I had so much fun photographing Jemma for her newborn photos. She slept a lot, but also graced me with opening her eyes for several photos and staring right into my lens. It was so perfect and so cute! Jemma's tiny, fresh, wrinkly skin was gone, but was replaced with smooth, peeling, baby skin. She still had the sweetest features including her little chubby cheeks. It was fun to work with her twice because I was able to capture her changes and swoon about her cuteness all over again.
Janalee Berentzen Photography - Logan Utah Photographer - Newborn Photography - Family Photography - Maternity Photography - Portrait Photography