I am of the philosophy that the gender of your second child is a win no matter what. You will either have a baby of the same gender as your first which creates a best friend for life or you get the gender you don't already have and you have one of each (and hopefully they will be best friends for life too!). The Madrinich Family now has one of each gender and it melted my heart to watch big sister Cora with her new little brother Bennett.
Cora is 2 years old. She has the sweetest personality and is friendly to even the strangest of strangers. She has platinum blond hair that suits her perfectly and I'm pretty sure she has more fun because of that hair color (if you know you know). Cora also has beautiful blue eyes and a coy smile that you can't help but love. She is a force to be reckoned with and I loved photographing that big personality.
Watching Cora with Bennett was very sweet. She wore the biggest smiles when she held him and loved to give him kisses. Bennett was a typical sleepy newborn, but he also gave me some of the cutest, funniest, half-open eyed faces. It's like he wanted to be awake and hang out with us, but was just too tired to keep his eyes open. His sleepy eyes were accompanied by cute newborn yawns and I just couldn't get enough of him.
Eli and Chelsey have been married for almost four years and have the coolest lives and jobs. Chelsey is a stay at home mom (which is one the the best jobs in my opinion) and Eli is a helicopter mechanic. Isn't that such a cool job? Chelsey and Eli actually met because she used to work for the same helicopter company as Eli. Even though he has an amazing job, it is one that keeps Eli traveling. One month he will be home and the next he will be gone. He has spent 10 years in AFG supporting he Air Force and working on helicopter that would fly military and mail. It's been hard for them because in the four years they have been married, Eli is frequently not home at night and will be gone for longer periods of time. Recently Eli accepted a job in Oregon working for life flight so the Madrinich Family is packing up and moving closer to Chelsey's hometown. The new job will allow Eli to be home every single night and to say the family is excited is an understatement. And I am excited for them to have more nights together as a family creating new memories with their cute kids.
Chelsey, Eli, Cora, and Bennett are a family that touched my heart in a special way. Chelsey has such a beautiful outlook on this season of life. It's obvious that she loves her life and her family and strives to be the best for them every single day. They are one lucky family to have each other to lean on and enjoy life with.
Janalee Berentzen Photography - Logan Utah Photographer - Newborn Photography - Family Photography - Maternity Photography - Portrait Photography